College Tee & Cap & Gown Minis
College Tee and Cap & Gown mini sessions are the perfect way to round out senior photos! This special will only be available to #dwpseniors and friends they want to share the offer with!
Perks of being part of the family ;)
This is also the perfect time for parents & siblings to jump in and get a couple family shots before your grad heads off to college or out into the workforce.
$25 for 15 minutes
includes 3 photos and an option to purchase more from proofing gallery.
Pay in advance for your name to be added to the list, and once you receive your cap, gown, cords etc. we will set your date! You can purchase two spots and get 30 minutes for both cap & gown and college tee or we can try to squeeze them both into one 15 min. time slot. You decide!